Canadian passport photos

All information is for reference only. For detailed information, please check the official website.

Canadian passport photos

You must submit 2 identical and unaltered photos with each passport application.

Photo specifications

Passport photo size information

Go to a commercial photographer or studio to have your photo taken.

Make sure your photo

  • is the right size
  • has the quality we need
  • captures a neutral facial expression
  • reflects how you look now (taken no more than 6 months before you apply)


Your photos must meet these specifications:

  • They must be 50 mm wide by 70 mm high (2 inches wide by 2¾ inches high).
  • The height of your face must measure between 31 mm (1¼ inches) and 36 mm (1⁷⁄₁₆ inches) from your chin to the crown of your head (natural top of head).

Image quality

Your photos may be in colour or in black and white.

They must

  • be clear, sharp and in focus
  • have uniform lighting and no shadows, glare or flash reflections
  • show a clear difference between your face and the background
  • show your natural skin tone
  • be taken in person by a commercial photographer or studio
  • be professionally printed on plain, high-quality photographic paper
    • We don’t accept photos that you print at home or photos that are printed on heavy weight paper.
  • be an original photo that is not altered in any way